Cinderbeard's Hideaway


Timestamps for video

1:07 - Put barrel on the button.
1:44 - Put 1 barrel on the middle of the 3 buttons.
4:17 - Put 2 barrels on the bottom 2 of the 6 buttons.
5:33 - Pick up Bon Annie's lost Locket.
6:06 - Put 3 barrels on the middle, left and bottom right of the 9 buttons.
8:21 - Head to port for Cinderbeard's ship.
9:28 - In the lower deck of ship, put barrels on button 1,2 of row 1, button 1,3 of row 2, button 3 of row 3 to reach diary.
10:44 - Pick up diary.
11:16 - Treasure Part.
13:29 - Put objects on white symbols.
13:50 - Shoot from cannon to grab Cinderbeard's attention.
14:10 - Pick up and put Bon Annie's locket on the last symbol.
14:33 - Search for missed tiles.


Maps credit: Roeland Stam

Cinderbeard's Hideaway Map 0 Cinderbeard's Hideaway Map 1 Cinderbeard's Hideaway Map 2 Cinderbeard's Hideaway Map 3 Cinderbeard's Hideaway Map 4 Cinderbeard's Hideaway Map 5 Cinderbeard's Hideaway Map 6 Cinderbeard's Hideaway Map 7

Click on the map to load a bigger version in new tab that can be further zoomed


Start position


Gate to different part of location


Required for main quest




We have got all objects of 3 pirates from the 3 mines earlier. But we need objects of all 5 to perform ritual to defeat Cinderbeard and we will find the last 2 in this location

Some pirate who had run away from Cinderbeard's Base told us of this location where we shall find an entrace to his secret base. Walking through the narrow corridoors, putting barrels on buttons to open gateways and bridges, we find Cinderbeard asking his guards to take some diary to his cabin, and by his instructions of not reading or throwing it, it indeed looks like the precious object of Cinderbeard. So we are now headed to a port where Cinderbeard's ship is docked so we can enter his cabin and steal the diary. After overcoming several barrel on buttons puzzles, we finally manage to steal the diary and return to the place of ritual. We put the 4 objects and grab Cinderbeard's attention to the ritual place. Bon Annie, the fifth pirate, then gives us her object - the locket her grandma gave her.

With all the 5 objects in place, the ritual is done, Cinderbeard is defeated and the seas are once again free from the evil pirates! The 4 pirates now peacefully own the seas equally divided, maybe until we see a "Pirates 3" story 😉


Select your region:

Tiles: 397
Energy Required: 8,110energy
Clear Bonus: 6,300experience
Event Item: 10Mat252

1amethyst 1,938.5coin 10copper 8tin 30wood 5iron 10coal 3vegetable root 36mushroom 15apple 3herb 30stone 27berry 5bronze 12iron ore 11fish 1135 FOOD (385 TOTAL) 2god child 8,220experience 100energy

Tiles: 397
Energy Required: 40,045energy
Clear Bonus: 39,000experience
Event Item: 10Mat252

3amethyst 4,972coin 50copper 44tin 192wood 12.5iron 18coal 6vegetable root 108mushroom 6herb 132stone 15bronze 57iron ore 8fish 49dill 11cod fish 11150 FOOD (1,650 TOTAL) 2god child 55,840experience 400energy

Tiles: 397
Energy Required: 124,305energy
Clear Bonus: 111,000experience
Event Item: 10Mat252

3ruby 14,860coin 13.5copper 12tin 51wood 3.5iron 26coal 9vegetable root 9herb 24stone 4bronze 21iron ore 6fish 140rice 42bamboo 35ancient scrap metal 10dragon ingot 60shiitake mushrooms 11eel 30shale 8cod fish 11300 FOOD (3,300 TOTAL) 2god child 173,900experience 1,000energy

Tiles: 397
Energy Required: 259,870energy
Clear Bonus: 227,000experience
Event Item: 10Mat252

3topaz 24,167coin 14.5copper 13tin 54wood 4.5iron 34coal 12vegetable root 12herb 26stone 5bronze 23iron ore 72bamboo 10.5ancient scrap metal 6dragon ingot 120shiitake mushrooms 8eel 7shale 84seaweed 36marble 11lobster 35volcanic ore 10orichalcum 6cod fish 11550 FOOD (6,050 TOTAL) 2god child 347,800experience 2,000energy

Tiles: 397
Energy Required: 427,285energy
Clear Bonus: 390,000experience
Event Item: 10Mat252

1topaz 2sapphire 35,865coin 15.5copper 14tin 57wood 5.5iron 42coal 15vegetable root 15herb 28stone 6bronze 25iron ore 7bamboo 13.5ancient scrap metal 9dragon ingot 6eel 9shale 48marble 8lobster 16volcanic ore 12.5orichalcum 36cedar wood 112olives 60lemon 11octopus 25adamantine ore 5adamantine steel 11900 FOOD (9,900 TOTAL) 2god child 536,900experience 3,000energy

Tiles: 397
Energy Required: 601,400energy
Clear Bonus: 530,000experience
Event Item: 10Mat252

2sapphire 1diamond 57,000coin 70copper 76wood 8.5iron 69coal 18vegetable root 18herb 38stone 11bronze 34iron ore 6eel 6.5volcanic ore 9orichalcum 48cedar wood 70lemon 4octopus 16adamantine ore 10adamantine steel 11piranha 36mahogany 25silver 2amazonium 5electrum 60chilli 111,250 FOOD (13,750 TOTAL) 2god child 702,000experience 4,000energy

Energy Required:
Clear Bonus:
Event Item:
Energy Required:
Clear Bonus:
Event Item:


Captain Cinderbeard
Captain Cinderbeard


We've got the personal belongings of all three pirate captains and I've got mine, but there's still one missing - Cinderbeard's. If we don't get it and bring it to the ritual, well... Not to be gloomy, but all hope will be lost.



Bring Cinderbeard's Object To Ritual (In Cinderbeard's Hideaway)


The time has come for us to face Cinderbeard. We're all pirates here. So sharpen your blades, polish your hooks and don't forget to fight dirty! For the Seven Seas and freedom, everybody charge!



Defeat Cinderbeard (In Cinderbeard's Hideaway)


Talk To Bon Annie (In Cinderbeard's Hideaway)

Quest Rewards:


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